Labor law

HR evolved

Labor law alone is not enough - neither for us nor for you. We advise on a broad range of related topics, such as Human Relations, Human Resources and HR transformation. Communication with all parties is key – involved departments need to establish efficient communication lines. This especially applies in case of conflicts, investigations, and also in day-to-day routines with work councils, compliance officers, and external advisors.

We advise on all HR related issues and aim to avoid litigation to protect your interests, where necessary. If need be, we will of course represent you before labor courts.

Partners Labor & Employment


The basics of German employment law – you know them as we do. We spare you lengthy explanations around our expertise of common individual and collective employment law. Would you like to focus on a specific topic? Please contact us! 

HR global

HR transformation, compliance, and collective restructurings do not stop at Germany's borders. Having in-depth experience, through our more than 50 offices in 5 continents and numerous alliance members we offer HR services globally as one team cross-border. 

A team of experienced partners

We offer a holistic consulting approach as trusted advisor, coach and project manager. Even though our focus for you is on our expertise in labor law, as consultants we keep the big picture in mind at all times.

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Current developments

From industry 4.0 to the reality of the "New Work" - challenges are immense with law makers offering increasing flexibility from working from home to flexible working hours. Agile and mobile working became part of peoples’ life – resulting in far reaching new challenges for employers. Now is the time to develop a plan!

Holistic approach

IT and HR, admin, finance, marketing and sales often talk past each other. How can solutions be found? We offer a holistic approach as trusted advisor, coach, and mediator. We mediate and "translate", communicating with all operating parties as well as external service providers.

Future of labor law

Where is HR heading? What will the working world of the future look like? Awareness and "mindfulness" at the workplace, the handling and the right communication of your management towards your workforce, even in times of crisis: "acknowledge the uncertainties of the future and the strains of the present". Take part in our training sessions and seminars. We accompany you in a constantly changing world.
