Dr. Thomas Koch Rimôn Falkenfort

Dr. Thomas Koch

Partner with Rimôn Falkenfort
Rechtsanwalt, Solicitor (England & Wales)

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Thomas Koch is a partner in our Financial Services, Compliance and FinTech practice. He advises German and international clients primarily on banking regulatory issues and investment law. His clients include banks, financial service providers and fund managers as well as companies outside the financial sector.

Thomas Koch has more than 15 years of experience in advising clients on business and product development and related transactions. He represents clients before German and European regulatory authorities and stock exchanges. He has assisted in numerous licensing proceedings concerning investment firms, fund managers, payment institutions and benchmark administrators. In addition, Thomas Koch has extensive expertise in advising venture capital funds and assisting with financing rounds, including the structuring and execution of complex transactions in the area of venture capital financing.

Best Lawyers

„Banking & Finance Law”

2025 edition

Since 2024
Partner at Rimôn Falkenfort

2013 2024
Partner at international law firms

Admission as Solicitor (England & Wales)

2010 2013
Senior Associate at international law firm

2008 2010
Associate at international law firm

Admitted to the German bar (Rechtsanwalt)

Second State Exam in Law

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn

First State Exam in Law
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn


  • Frase/Badura/Koch, Management- und Mitarbeiterbeteiligung [Management- and Employee Participation], 1st edition 2024 (co-editor and author)
  • §§ 68-76, 101-107 KAGB in: Moritz/Klebeck/Jesch (editors), Frankfurter Kommentar zum Kapitalanlagerecht [Frankfurt Commentary on Investment Law] Volume 1, 1st edition 2016
  • § 17 (Insidergeschäfte und Marktmanipulation [Insider Dealing and Market Manipulation]) in: Sieber/Satzger/v. Heintschel-Heinegg (editors), Europäisches Strafrecht [European Criminal Law], 2nd edition 2014
  • Due Diligence und Beteiligungserwerb aus Sicht des Insiderrechts [Due Diligence and Stock Acquisition from the Perspective of Insider Law], 2006, also Doctoral thesis